If you want to donate by check to our 501(c)(3), please mail your check to:
Songs for Saplings
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
You can help children and families know the foundations of the Christian faith and the basic truths of God’s Word by helping to share these songs with others.
Songs for Saplings is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that helps children discover and remember Biblical truths.
Over the years our supporters have helped Songs for Saplings translate these songs into many other languages. The need for these resources around the world is great, and, with your help, we can make this music available so people can learn clear, biblical truth simply by listening and singing.
When you donate, we are able to translate and distribute the Questions with Answers music series around the world. Thank you in advance for making a difference in the lives of children.
Become a Patreon Member.
You can also become a Patreon Member, and you will receive free monthly Scripture action songs, fingerplays, and more.